The United States in World AffairsResearch Seminar - student publications The Biden transition Paula Rodriguez - Rediscovering Multilateralism: Iran, Russia, and Biden’s First Hundred Days Axel Prieto - Five Eyes: The secretive Anglo-Saxon Intelligence Club Eduardo Benavides - When and how are we finally going to limit Big Tech? Sebastian Guerrero - Is a “consociational” prescription the answer to the Afghan nation? Juan Sebastian Osorno - The Quad: China, Vaccines and the Future of Global Leadership Eduardo Benavides - The dangerous weapon we've given Donald Trump The 2020 U.S. presidential election David Martinez Cruz - What would Biden’s foreign policy be like? Nicolas Battison & Diana Melendrez - State polls: the Republican Nightmare Nicolas Battison & Diana Meledrez - The Republican Nightmare (Part 2) — the national panorama Juan Camilo Chavarro - The debate no one wanted, but one that America desperately needs Diego Correa - The Coronavirus and the Trump Administration: A Policy Brief Jacobo Mendez - Who dares wins: The American culture war in 2020 Daniel Lozano Ariza - Foreign meddling redux: threats to US election integrity in 2020 Gerardo Ceneva Zarate - Once the GOP, now a one-man party Jose Paz - Dispatches from the Twitter trenches of the 2020 presidential race Juliana Santamaria Ruiz - Black lives, voices, rights, and votes matter David Martinez Cruz - Four more years without U.S. leadership? Gerardo Caneva Zarate - Support for Trump at the expense of democracy and national security Diana Melendrez - Debates: striking the undecided